Last Updated 2024/04/24

normal market


normal low


normal mid


normal high


reverse holofoil market


reverse holofoil low


reverse holofoil mid


reverse holofoil high


Last Updated 2024/04/24

price trend

4,89 €

1 day average

0,99 €

7 day average

5,17 €

30 day average

4,05 €


Bounce Off 20

If Magneton and the Defending Pokémon don't have the same number of Energy cards attached to them, the player controlling the Active Pokémon with the fewest number of Energy cards attached to it switches 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon.

Magnetic Wave 30+

This attack does 30 damage plus 10 damage times the number of your Benched Pokémon minus the number of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (For example, if your opponent has 1 Benched Pokémon and you have 3, this attack will do 30 damage plus 20 more damage.)





retreat cost


Kouki Saitou




20 / 144

Standard Not Legal
Expanded Not Legal
Unlimited Legal