Last Updated 2025/03/31

holofoil market


holofoil low


holofoil mid


holofoil high


reverse holofoil market


reverse holofoil low


reverse holofoil mid


reverse holofoil high


Last Updated 2025/03/31

price trend

2,35 €

1 day average

3,80 €

7 day average

1,81 €

30 day average

1,61 €


Ice Fang 40

Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon.

Charge Through 60+

You may do 60 damage plus 40 more damage and 40 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) If you do, Mamoswine does 40 damage to itself.





retreat cost


Kouki Saitou


Rare Holo


9 / 146

Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age.
Standard Not Legal
Expanded Not Legal
Unlimited Legal